Office waste: how to get the most out of it

Office waste is a burden every company must bear – not only in terms of disposing of your waste affordably and ethically, but also in terms of minimising the amount of waste you produce in the first place.

Here are four tips for ways you can reduce your office waste and do more with the waste you produce, so that you create less recycling and, crucially, less landfill. Continue reading Office waste: how to get the most out of it

Why fly tipping damages our countryside

We’ve all encountered fly tipping to some extent – whether it’s an old sofa or mattress dumped in an alleyway, or a bag of commercial waste thrown out on the pavement.

The name itself gives an indication of why this is a problem: fly tipping literally means tipping or dumping rubbish ‘on the fly’ before running away, which is why much of this waste can go some time before it’s cleaned up.

But it’s not just a problem in the inner cities – fly tipping happens in the remotest of countryside locations too, where the risk of being caught in the act might be significantly less for the perpetrators.

Continue reading Why fly tipping damages our countryside

Recycling with a skip: top tips for recycling while hiring a skip

Hiring a skip is a great way to meet your environmental obligations, as you know anything you throw away will be recycled as much as possible, before the rest is dealt with in other ways.

These are five of the main things to remember when hiring a skip to help with your recycling.

1. Skip hire companies can help you do more

Often a skip hire company will have access to recycling facilities you might not be able to deal with directly, allowing a much wider range of materials to be recovered from your waste.

This is true for all customers, from one-off domestic refurbs where you just need a skip for your scrap building materials, to large-scale construction work and regular commercial orders for waste collection and disposal.

Continue reading Recycling with a skip: top tips for recycling while hiring a skip

How much waste is really produced at UK music festivals?

How many skips does festival waste fill? How many tonnes are produced? Is it recycled? Do our beloved UK music festivals have initiatives in place to improve on their environmental impact? We have investigated to bring you all the facts and figures.

People attend music festivals to have a good time, and perhaps escape everyday life for a few days, but have you ever stopped to think about how much waste is produced by these festivals – some of which are so big they are essentially a large temporary town? Have you ever wondered about how much of the waste produced is recycled, or what green initiatives the festival organisers have in place to cut waste and litter? With the number of music festivals being hosted in the UK growing by 34 per cent in just four years, these are questions that need to be asked.

Continue reading How much waste is really produced at UK music festivals?

Hello and welcome to the brand new Forge Skip Hire website!

Since purchasing Cross Green Skips in 2015, Forge Recycling are expanding. As part of this growth we are proud to announce the launch of our brand new Forge Skip Hire website, which features a simple online booking system to make our customers’ lives as easy as possible.

If you are taking on a project in Leeds this summer – perhaps a house renovation, a garden revamp, or a huge clear-out then look no further. We offer competitive and transparent pricing, and a top quality service, which make us the number one choice in the Leeds area.

Our skips are perfect for professional or domestic use, and are available in a range of sizes, so there really is something to suit everyone and every job.

If you would like to talk to us about any aspect of our skip hire service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today. If you would like to book a Leeds skip hire, then please do so via our brand new online booking service.